Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just one of those days....

I knew today was going to be hard even before I got home from work. For those of you who don't know, I work the overnight shift (10pm-7am) at Walmart. I am a stocker which helps with my weight loss a little since I am moving all night long. But I was dragging so much last night. I knew once I got home I was going to be POOPED and not wanting to get out to the gym. I got home and made it to the couch and almost didn't get off. But I made myself get up and get to the gym. I went an hour later then usual but I did it. I even did my normal work out. It was tough though. I wanted to give up/ slow down a few times on the treadmill but I made myself stick it out. And I am glad I did. I burned my normal 1,000 calories. YAY ME ( actually it was closer to 1,100.) I hope these hard days come few and far between. I like going to the gym but I don't want it to feel like a chore!!!


  1. I am so proud of you Steph! You are doing great! Such a motivation to me!

  2. You have way more self discipline than I do! I so would have stayed home!!
